Being an artist...

fucking sucks.

I work tirelessly and am never happy with what I do.

Have recently applied to numerous art and queer cultural events only to be told what I do isn't appropriate.

I don't expect to get accepted for everything but when I see the shite they put on, makes me feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall for no reason.

I'm attempting to bridge a gap between fine art and entertainment. I keep getting told I'm not allowed to do this and have to be more' fine art'.
To me that reads....separatist, elitist and snobbery. Only attempt to communicate to appeal to the well read and educated.
Art for ALL I say.

Really don't know why I bother.

Last nights show went well in the end though I may change a few things. The medley at the end didn't quite work and would adjust a few things but it was well recieved.
I will perform it again (if I get the chance....)



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