The Dogs Bollocks

Last night I DJed at a place where the system kept tripping out so got up and did a show of must go on and all that. Afterwards, got talking to two guys who wanted to manage me, how marvelous blah blah. Then told them about a project I'm doing and things went rather tits up.

My partner and I decided to castrate our adopted dog Huxley (as in Aldous…one of our mutually favorite books is Brave New World). Most vets recommend it for city dogs and though it may be against his nature, didn't want him fathering unwanted puppies. He’s quite small and don't want him getting attacked by aggressive dogs, especially the many Staffordshire Bull Terriers in the area (they can be lovely dogs but many owners around here teach them to be violent. Battersea Dogs Home is full of Staffs that can’t be homed because people can’t be arsed to train the poor things).
Rather than send his discarded testicles to the incinerator, I plan to recycle them, make some 'wearable art' and do a photo shoot with the caption “The Dogs Bollocks”.

Was then told (rather loudly and aggressively) I was an evil woman, disgusting and a nazi. How dare I glorify his loss?  I asked if Damien Hirst’s animals in formaldehyde were ok...I was told yes because he is an established artist and I'm not. (I have the same MA in Fine Art as Mr Hirst but don't have the same entrepreneurial drive and quite happy expressing myself in other ways thanks very much).

Eventually got up and went to the dressing room, they then banged on the door and screamed of my evility some more. For someone who considers themselves quite tough, I felt rather threatened.

There is no reasoning with fundamentalists, whether their thing is animals, religion, politics or Madonna, their mind is already firmly made up. It was interesting to be challenged and I was up for discussion but when I'm screamed at and compared to evil scum, well there really is little point. I wonder if it would have been different if I was using anonymous testicles from a butcher. I don’t intend to lord it up being dominant over an animal but the whole purpose of using his parts is its personal from a dog I adore rather than a random animal.

'The Dogs Bollocks" earrings is a simple creative statement, a play on British slang and a piss take of fashion. He was not hurt during the process and is a happy, loved and wonderful pooch. I don't want to offend or intend to be provocative, just happen to be drawn to the bizarre and comical. Many of my creative idols tend to be a little controversial (Robert Mapplethorpe, Annie Sprinke, Helmut Newton, Andres Serrano, John Waters, Chris Morris, Bret Easton Ellis) and that inspires and forms my outlook, so I’m not going to apologise for having twisted ideas. Just don’t expect to be attacked for them.

Anyway, I’m off to play with  Huxley in the park.


P.S. Busy week coming up, my night Lets Get Quizzical, Wotever World Pride (where I'll be having a ramble about the London Pride shambles) and then off to DJ in Dorset at Lush Fest. How lovely.


  1. Anonymous7:36 pm

    It's a great publicity stunt from someone who courts any type she can get, and undoubtedly drinks her own bath water she's so narcissistic.....


  2. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Why don't you cut off your own labia and wear that?

  3. Anonymous9:20 am

    "There is no reasoning with fundamentalists, whether their thing is animals, religion, politics or Madonna, their mind is already firmly made up." You said it, sista!

  4. Manko9:28 am

    to the anonymous hysteric pussy re:"Why don't you cut off your own labia and wear that", you honestly think she wouldn't if her labia were going anyway? Hello!

    Utilising surgery castoffs creatively actually show more respect than chucking them in the bin. Or is the ball cutting part that creeps you out? Then don't partake in ballsy art, ya lil wuss.

    (articulating your point would help to deal with your issues)

  5. Anonymous3:34 pm

    I don't doubt this person wouldn't rule out anything to court the attention she so acclaims and lusts after

  6. Manko4:44 pm

    It's noteworthy that the anonymous poster from the 1st comment has called this article boring, yet they keep returning to post a slightly rewritten line hours later. Who's courting attention here? Pathetic.

  7. Dear Anonymous (if indeed that is your real name).
    You are clearly a two faced Facebook "friend" or Twitter follower. I suggest you unfollow or unfriend and stop reading my narcissism, it clearly bores you.

    P.S. The only thing I lust after is cake but thanks for playing.
    P.P.S. I'm having my ovaries removed in the next few years. I intend to do something with those too.

  8. Anonymous5:55 pm


  9. TraceyMc6:15 pm

    Don't you just love the balls (excuse the pun!) that anonymity gives people. I wonder if Anonymous would be so vile if we could see who he/she really was. If you don't like the blog don't subscribe - its not rocket science!
