First of all me….And what a year!
Popped to Vienna to perform at a new gay night and get royally messed up with my good friend Eddie Cole. Need more of that.
Was a judge for the Trannyshack Drag pageant (really need to work it out this year ladies…) then it was over to perform with Jonny Woo, Ryan Styles, Booby Tuesday and Russella at Ministry of Sound for some performance art at ‘Nude’ which was conceptually brilliant and one of my favourite performances of the year.
March saw me premiere my show ‘The Insanity of Modern Celebrity’ at Soho Revue which was well received and glad to say, packed out. I repeated the show for ‘Bastard’ at ‘The Macbeth’ and sang a few songs. Different crowd but still went down well.
Then to New York and met Joan Rivers who liked my un PC gag about my glorious technicoloured sequined jacket and performed at The Cock, Area and Element. Partied with New Yorks finest freaks and fabulous all week (and popped in to see the Ed Banger guys at the Hiro Ballroom) and finally at Patricia Fields store party. I will be back New York.
Upon returning, DJed on the main floor at Heaven, performed at Egg, MCed with the Pirate Soundsystem at Nude and played Dr Hannibal Lecter in Suppositori Spellings fucked up version of The Silence of the Lambs and continuing the man drag theme, competed in the Trannyshack Drag King pageant with a character called ‘Later Ho’s…geddit?)…and won.
The Trannyshack UK album finally came out and my version and video of E-Jitz; Two Magdelene Fuckers appear on it.
DJed the final set in the main room for Button Down Disco at 93 Feet East (scary but had them jumping throughout..yay) then it was off Glastonbury Festival with NYC Downlow which was an amazing weekend of mud, Shirley Bassey, being shady in the Vogue Ball, disco, Ring Them Bells, zopoclones, photo ops, one in one out and working with one of the best group of people a girl could ask for. Devastating!
Had to pull it together to recontextualise and shoot ‘The Insanity of Modern Celebrity’ piece for the Left of Centre exhibition (you can see the dark bags under my eyes in the video) which ran until December.
Came runner up in the Bistrotheque Tranny Talent final with an edited down version of ‘Insanity’. Amazing how so many people can get rammed into that small space.
The Downlow regrouped for the Lovebox festival and a bit of Bassey action for Gay Bingo and then I promoted and hosted the Gazelland Magazine Nude issue launch party at Soho Revue which had a huge queue of chic freaks outside and had a packed dance floor until the lights went up. Hard work but a very good result.
I then had another party I’d organised on a boat for the GYBO 5th birthday party and managed to get an array of bootleg producers/DJs from past and present (Freelance Hellraiser, Osymyso, Soundhog, Cartel Communique and many more pirates of audio).
Back again with my Kamikaze Tranny sisters for a bit of TV work, a sing song at Turnmills and the True Grit festival, an interview on BBC radio London, Red Death at Battersea Arts centre, Studio Neon, early morning quick costume changes at Trade and a quick holigay with Dusty O to Spain.

December was a whirlwind of corporate gigs and of course, the Bistrotheque Tranny Panto ‘The Xmas Factor’ under the direction of Jonny Woo. It was tough run but taught me a lot about myself as a performer.
Christmas was a quick jaunt to the olds before going on holiday with my partner to Fuerteventura which was well needed. We spent NYE on the balcony of our room watching fireworks and eating a Smartie for every bong to the countdown to 1200 (you’re supposed to do it with grapes but we didn’t have any).
I finished the year by appearing in the Sunday Times Style magazine. Under Anya Hindmarsh and above Roberto Cavalli. Non too shabby.
I’m writing my review of 2007 in my partners flat above a pub in Stockwell instead of my flat in Dalston because said flat has become a Crackney gritty reality and an unbearable place to concentrate, sleep and live. Annoying but hope to be out of there so
I’ve not got a lot booked for the early months of 2008 as I really have to concentrate on finishing my Fine Art Masters degree at St Martins as I’ve neglected my studies somewhat over the last few months and really need to get back on track…but I’ve some exciting projects in the mill and will be back. Oh fuck yeah!
Happy New Queer!
Pep Magazine (Hungary), GIB Magazin (Austria), Gazelleland (USA), Sunday Times ‘Style’, Love It!, QX interview, Boyz and QX front covers, BBC2, BBC London, ITV, Nuts TV and other bits and bobs.
Favourite gigs
Daft Punk at 02 Wireless Festival (Video)
Justice (saw the live sets thrice but the second time for the launch of D.A.N.C.E. at LA2 was the best)
Prince at 02 (second time better despite Chaka Khan not turning up)
Bjork at Glastonbury.
Justin Timberlake – My Love (Original and Diplo mix) I know it was released in '06 but this was the year I loved it. The production makes my ears melt. I know its unfashionable to like Timbaland but the man is the poop.
Justice – Phantom 2 (Original and Soulwax Mix) All about the drop
P Diddy and Christina Aguilera – Tell Me (Switch Mix) Little on the Diddy-which is a good thing
LCD Soundsytem – North American Scum/Get Innocuous
Simian Mobile Disco – Hustler
ZZT – Lower State of Consciousness (Justice Remix)
Fergie – Glamorous (Space Cowboy Mix) Hate to have her name on the list but it’s a bloody good remix and the vocals are minimal
Voodoo Chilli - Look What You You've Done To Me
Kanye West - Stronger (A-Trak Remix)
Chromeo – Tenderoni (MSTRKRFT Mix)
Mr Oizo – Transexual/Patrick 122
Herve - Cheap Thrills
Go and support Ed Banger and BUY the album. A bit patchy (what the hell is Valentine?) but also my album of the year. DVNO should be a single BTW.
DJ Mehdi
Always with a smile on his face, plays party tunes for party people and is a thoroughly nice bloke too (cheers for the guestie in NYC ;-)
Ed Banger (natch)
Mr Oizo, Timbaland, Switch and Herve
Fuchsia. It’s lovely.
The Ed Banger party at Moonlighting. Dance dance dance!
Kavinsky EP release at Sin a close second
Hand slammed in door at Cafe Rouge=loss of finger nail for 6 months
Slip on banana and shaving foam at Egg=concussion
Items stolen
Bag in Camden, handbag in Café Rouge, wallet in Camden, various items from hotel room in Fuerteventura.
Dad’s Christmas Beef Roast
Parrots Restaurant in Sitges
Black and white sequined dress from Dalston market that I’ve yet to make a public appearance in.
Anthony Gormley at The Hayward
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