Ooooouch I hurt.
GYBOat Party went very well (despite the rain) but I drank until my head hurt.
Big thanks to those who played-most of who traveled quiet a distance to get here (Lenlow from Boston, Eve Massacre and Deep Disco Force from Germany, Dunproofin and McSleazy from Scotland).
Was a headache to organise but went well on the day.
Odd being on a boat full of music mongs (who mong on with little dancing going on until the end. I was sure the Pirate Soundsystem would have induced a rave/knees up.
Music people.....they make music, play music but don't dance to it.
Anywhoo.....big up to Freelance Hellraiser, Osymyso, Soundhog, McSleazy, Dunproofin, Pirate Soundsystem, Cartel Communique, Eve Massacre, Lenlow and The_Dr.
And Peter - the guv from the boat.
Will there be one next year? Dunno.
I did a lot of work for no money. I don't mind doing a few projects for nothing but doing it for love doesn't pay the bills.
GYBOat Party Photos
Sunday was a Madonna special at Gay Bingo which was fun.
I did 'Over and Over' and played it out quiet literally. Drank and poured vodka over myself and took pills. Kept falling over in a stupor but as the song goes 'I get up again, over and over'. See what I did there?!
Jonny Woo, Ma Butcher, John Sizzle, Marc with a C and I performed. Russella put on her face, walked around and took it off again. Loon.
Gay Bingo Photos
Got two live singing gigs this week - Thursday is Singstar thing at Cafe De Paris and Saturday is Together at Turnmills!!! Fuck seeing me...look at the rest of the line up!!

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