I shot a rather cheesy thing for a new TV station that will be launched on freeview soon. Its giving me an excellent internal insight into the power of the media and celebrity (which my Masters thesis will be based on).
TV - I’m not desperate for that kind of exposure and adulation. If it happens naturally then great but its not something I’m chasing to raise my profile.
They have offered me something else which would be bloody hilarious (but would be very hard to remain serious and not take the piss. Its at the heart of my fascination with the desire to be famous without any talent behind it). We’ll see how things go. I’m really not arsed about being on TV and won’t do it for nothing.
Yeah I’m a whore but we’ve all got our price and I never said I wouldn’t do TV.
Do I want to be a grumpy, starving artist with lots of integrity but no shoes or a comfortable one who uses the opportunities thrown at me and furthering my artistic development for my own means? The later thanks.
I’ve already had certain members of the artistic community tell me I can’t flit between fine art and populist entertainment. Erm why the fuck not? Who created these rules? They are meant to be broken. So there.
Straight after being in full drag in a TV studio saying silly sound bites and rolling my eyes around, I went to see his royal purple majesty, Prince at the 02. Wow!!! The little bugger made me weep.
I’m not religious but I did for a minute understand how religious nutters get high worshiping an omniscient celestial being. Watching him play his guitar and truly love playing with other amazing musicians, I felt a feeling of total hero worship I’ve never experienced before and got a little teary eyed.
My partner kept trying to talk to me through the show but I was mesmerised for most of it.
AMAZING! And will definitely be going again (for £31.21 it would be rude not to). Tracks of the night for me, Controversy and Lets Go Crazy. OK Planet Earth has 2 decent songs on it and his work isn’t as funky as he was (I blame his God love) but the guy is a true musical genius and does what he does very very well.
I’ve had a great year for live music so far; Justice, Daft Punk, Bjork, Bassey, Sly and the Family Stone, Blondie, Prince and I hear Stevie Wonder is coming to town. Oh my!!!!
After party turned quite unintentionally messy. Very much so.
Saturday was spent in bed feeling rough as fuck.

Sunday was the 1234 Festival in Shoreditch Park. Stunning day and well organised event except for a few things. Need more bars and more bogs!
Only 2 bars on site and having to queue for 30 mins for a piss next to some pikey fun fair with the MC giving it “scream if you want to go faster, don’t be shy give it a try etc etc” wasn’t much fun.
Plus the sound on the main stage was pretty arse unless you were stood right in front of the stage (but guess they have sound restrictions) but besides that…all good. Har Mar Superstar did his clothes removing routine, telling everyone he was going to fuck them and the water scene from Flashdance. He is rather bloody good and deserves more props but possibly too rude to be mainstream.
Next week is Field Day Festival so Justice live for the third time this year (not to be sniffed at though). Should be good!!
Week after is the GYBO 5th Anniveresary Boat party that I've organised (secretly wishing I hadn't tbh, Should be fun for the most part but there are some people who are sure to annoy the shit out of me) and then Together at Turnmills the following weekend. The press release says
"Holestar-The UK's only Tranny with a Fanny. Hilarious."
Erm cheers...
I do need a holiday. Somewhere chilled where I don’t have to worry about wigs.
New York and Turkey were work and I've not been on a proper "forget about everything, turn the phone off, leave me alone" holiday since Morocco over two years ago.
Till next time...