I like you. You're a well rounded pop star and have a good team that have made some decent pop songs. You have that fun, cheeky, sexy thing balanced well and your music doesn't give me a headache like most of your peers (despite singing through your nose).
You've duetted with almost everyone in popular music but why your physically abusive ex Chris Brown? I'll happily defend your right to dance provocatively in your pants on prime time TV show and smoke whatever plant you choose but girl, by collaborating with a convicted violent scum bag, you're endorsing domestic violence and look ridiculous.
By going back and working with someone who has beat the crap out of you, you're sending a very disturbing message to women, victims of abuse and your legion of fans. Granted, you've not asked to be a role model but you are to many, especially little girls, many on my estate emulate your songs, hair and moves.
You're telling them its ok for a man to beat you up. You're contradicting your image of feisty young lady in control to one of a weak victim who lets her abuser crawl back into her life.
You may have forgiven him for mangling your face but many won't. I'm guessing you're in love with him and being a silly mare but if the collaborations are just for publicity....well that's even more fucked up.
It took Tina Turner years to get out, she was trapped in an abusive, controlling marriage and left with nothing but her name. You're a gorgeous young woman....walk away now with some dignity.
P.S. His music is really shit and you can do a lot better, regardless of his angry fists.
P.P.S. Have a look at this. You could earn yourself some weed money and get your own back too. http://www.howtobeatupanything.com/home/2012/02/thousand-dollar-bounty-offered-on-chris-brown.html