Ellis Scott
For the Bistrotheque Drag Ball I did my Princess Margaret (the gin and burnt feet in the bath era) complete with inbred horsy teeth, reddened feet and a bottle of gin which was sprayed through the teeth (and I bloody hate gin).
Was in the International Young Royals category with Ryan Styles, Mr Teds and Lisa Lee for the House of Egypt…we all looked pretty good but there was no contest withPrincess Julia and Scottee who had the same pissed up Margaret idea but was in a wheelchair and all bandaged up.
After party was interesting but lots of fashion people who I don‘t really ‘get‘. Lots of air kissing and enquiring where peoples clothes came from. I’m too large to get into couture (unless it’s a kaftan) and while there are aspects of fashion that I like, I get my ’looks’ from charity shops, markets, ebay and Primarché dahlink! My style is classic glamour and trash, my fashion icon is Penelope Keith as Margo Ledbetter in The Good Life mixed with anything I can get my hands on that fits. High fashion hasn’t yet reached the plus sizes.
Went to see Prince again at the 02. There was a pretty strong rumour that Chaka Khan was going to be supporting but unfortunately she didn’t show but was still a great show despite being sat next to a rather hefty lady with bad B.O. and her boyfriend who kept clapping out of time like a seal.
Eric Brown
Following day, went to Brighton for the International Moustache and Beard Championships as a friend of my partner had come over from New York for it. We arrived for the finals to see men from all over the world compete in showing off their facial furniture. A popular winner was the German chap who has sculpted his beard into the shape of Tower Bridge.
Amazing spectacle and a great atmosphere full of smiling beardy folk. And the odd beard chassers (the sight of a twenty something woman snoging an old fella with a perfectly pruned full white beard will remain for some time).
Went to the casino and a bear bar (keeping the theme beardy) and on to a party for really my cuppa normally but some very interesting live bands and speech rap. Got a bit wasted but a really good night. Few hours kip then sat on the beach feeling rancid for a few hours before returning to London for a pretty naff Sunday roast in East Dulwich. All in all though, a good Tranny free weekend.
Ended up on the jury again for the
Popjustice Pop song of the year award. After lots of controversy, arguing (plus a woman who gave a very long speech in favour of Calvin Harris stating he was original. Hmm….. I asked her if she was a lawyer at the end of it) and random processes of elimination, Amy Winehouse - Rehab was declared the winner. Rightly so. A great pop song and the irony is too sweet. Poor girl needs help. I hate to see talent wasted and she has a lot more than a lot of singer/songwriter starlets who all seem to blend into one. Sickens me to see the press pap her every move-give the girl a friggin break eh?
Highlight of the evening was a bunch of us going to a Chinese buffet where a double vodka cost more than 2 singles, odd rules of paying before you eat and a very grumpy and disgruntled waitress which resulted in her kicking us out.
Wednesday was to Bistrotheque to see the preview of
Jonny Woo’s new show ‘International Woman on Mister E’ which is brilliant and opens in October-I’d recommend strongly you go to see it.
Jonny is a fantastic person all round. Love him as a person and a big fan of his work. This show will make him a big star, believe.
Saturday was a trip to Dansistor at Cable Street Studios in Elephant and Castle put on the guys behind
Horse Meat Disco. Now that’s not an area I frequent for going to the disco but it was definitely worth making the trip. Its now one of my favourite venues in London.
Reasonable bar prices with friendly staff (a massive rarity in this cynical old town. Have you ever been served a beer with a smile in Shoreditch or the West End? Probably yes but the come few and far between), great spaces (two rooms with a large smoking terrace) and for Dansistor, a great soundtrack. Lots of the ‘gals’ from Glastonbury were there so it was pretty good fun. The alley way and bar ‘performances’ by Jonny Woo and Suppositori Spelling (who has just returned to San Fran, shame she never got off the ground here in London) were quite memorable.

This week I’ve got 2 occasions to don a wig. First up is the Kentish Town Village Fete. An all day music festival in the guise of a local fete-ace. Most of the people playing are proper ‘bands’ so its something pretty unusual for me but looks like a pretty good day out. I’m due onstage around 9.30 if you’re about.
Sunday is Euro Gay Bingo special. Anton De Caunes from Eurotrash (which needs to be resurrected on Ch4) will be there filming for French TV so dress to distress (or something like that).
I have a few rather exciting projects I’m working on that I can’t discus at the moment but its all looking peachy. Will be going on holiday soon before I go back to college to continue my Fine Art Masters before I go insane.
Till next time kids…..