I’ve been quiet lately, have been ill and all sorts.
Have had a cold up and down for ages and wasn’t recovering properly in-between and ended up collapsing and in hospital with a nasty throat infection. Very nasty-felt bloody awful.
Went to the ‘rents for a bit to recuperate which took a lot longer than I thought but finally back on track.
Door whored at a party last week (the Status Quo tribute had the best band name in the world ever; “Quo-Caine”. Genius) and have DJed a few times recently which has been quite good. Finally getting some decks soon (albeit CD ones-can’t really afford vinyl these days and it’s a bitch to carry around) to get good as my mixing skills have a lot to be desired.
This weekend was hard work. Had my Mother in London for the past three days and as much as I love her, glad she’s gone back home.

Stayed at a nice hotel in Canary Warf-she had some Tesco vouchers or something. (My goodness that area has such a weird atmosphere)
Did the Big Wheel Eye thing (Nice clear day so could see for miles)
Bus Tour (Really not worth the money)
River Cruise (the guide slagged off the Tate and modern art in general. When they he held out a box at the end lamely asking for tips he got nowt from me. Silly man)
Popped in the National Portrait Gallery and the Tate Modern
Tower of London (Cool. Made me feel a little proud to be British. We‘ve some cracking history that I know frig all about. Crown Jewels not that impressive though. Needs more sparkle)
Mum is a bit musical mad and wanted to see Wicked or Sound of Music but couldn’t get tickets so saw The Producers (pretty good) and Chicago (better for different reasons. Though the girl playing Velma wasn’t very ‘sexy’ and to me Velma should be all sass and sex).

Ace to be a tourist in the place you live-you temporarily see it differently although it’s all familiar.
I'd thoroughly recommend it.
The Trannyshack album should be out soon (directed and concepted the video myself, not seen the final cut yet) and I am going to be (cough) 30 on December 28th.
Have never been bothered about it until the last few months, especially as I have mates who are in their early twenties.
There seems to come some kind of adult grown up thing that comes with turning 30, as if your childish and days of being a carefree should be over and people view you in a different way.
I have no dependents, no steady partner, no savings, no security, nowhere to call home and no intention of growing up soon.
Age ain’t nothing but a number.

I might be dressing as a lady my birthday (having a joint party with my good buddy Stinkin Rich who is a mere two days younger than me which has been a bit of a head fuck to organise) but it’s not a sign that I’ll be starting to think about buying property or wearing sensible clothes.
Naaaaah. I’ll leave that to the breaders.
(More recent photos)